There are a few things in life that make me happy.

Not the constant feeling of happiness that I feel through out the day though, more of a little bubbly feeling in the bottom of my stomach, kind of happy. This ‘happy’ is intense, it’s strong and it needs to be felt. I’m happy when I get photos printed off or finish a roll of film. I’m happy when I don’t have to wear pants and I can put a hoodie on. I feel this happy when I start a new book or get to drink a really good coffee. Clean sheets on my bed, a shower that for no inexplicable reason was way better than any shower I’ve ever had before. This list can go on forever, but the one thing that makes me the happiest, is writing. Just this simple activity of words on paper, or computer, gives me the greatest feeling.

Writing makes me feel like I am being sucked through my pen into the paper, or through my fingertips and into the keyboard. My fingers cannot type fast enough because everything is moving in my head so quickly. I like to imagine there are little people jumping and dancing in my stomach, causing a huge commotion. When I think of anything half decent my heart beats faster, and I lean into the computer, like the closer I am to it the easier it will be for the ideas to come out. The entire process or moving my fingers, thinking and producing, re reading and correcting. The entire experience of writing is like therapy for me. I can put my feelings and thoughts into it, but I can put them in a way people hardy realize. It is a sneaky way to show how i feel and it gives me the biggest form of satisfaction. Writing is like creating a maze, but the walls of the maze are made with a piece of my soul.

This feeling, is the feeling people always talk about. This is what love is, and how lucky am I to have found it so early in my life.

I am looking for it in everything I do. New places, new people and new hobbies. So far I have found love when I read Roald Dahl, and when I am walking around a new city or on a new footpath. I have found it when I’m talking with my best friend and my family or seeing an incredible band live. What keeps me going, is all the other things in this world I could also love. All the choices and options I have in life that will introduce me to new experiences and will only add to the dancing people in my stomach

I don’t think anyone should ever stop looking for love. Once you stop looking, you stop feeding your soul, you stop nourishing your heart and your mind, and my soul has only just gotten hungry.

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